A simple and effective way to jazz up your query results is to add some
All you're really doing is adding 6 lines of code to your query. These lines
<% Count = 0 IF Count = 0 THEN <td bgcolor="#f1f1f1"><% = RS(i) %></td> <% Else %> Count = Count + 1 If Count = 2 Then Count = 0 %>
<% Dim MyConn, sSql, RS, Count, i Set MyConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") MyConn.Open "demo" sSql = "SELECT * FROM tblCustomer" Set RS = MyConn.Execute(sSql) %> <table border=0> <tr> <% For i= 0 to RS.Fields.Count - 1 %> <th bgcolor="#c0c0c0"><% = RS(i).Name %></th> <% Next %> </tr> <% Count = 0 %> 'here you set the variable Count to zero <% While Not RS.EOF %> <tr> <% for i= 0 to RS.Fields.Count - 1 %> <% If Count = 0 Then %> 'check the value of Count. if Count = 0 then set the color to light gray <td bgcolor="#f1f1f1"><% = RS(i) %></td> <% Else %> 'otherwise, if Count does not equal zero then set the color to gray <td bgcolor="#c0c0c0"><% = RS(i) %></td> <% End If %> <% Next %> </tr> <% Count = Count + 1 'increment the variable Count If Count = 2 Then Count = 0 'check the value of Count. if Count is greater than 1 then make it equal zero RS.MoveNext WEND RS.Close Set RS = Nothing %> </table>