RegWrite Statement:

The RegWrite statement writes Keys and Values into the Windows Registry. The required argument regpath is the path to a Key or Value that will be created if not found. StrToWrite is the data to enter into the key or value specified in regpath.

RegWrite regpath, strToWrite
Example Usage:

 ' write to the registry:

dim a

 ' write a value
RegWrite "HKCU\testregwrite\testvalue", "my test value"

 ' write a key
RegWrite "HKCU\testregwrite\testkey\", "key value"

ASP Source Code:
Private Sub RegWrite(byVal regpath, byVal strToWrite)
	Dim objShl
	Set objShl = CreateObject("")
	On Error Resume Next
	if IsNumeric( strToWrite ) Then
		objShl.RegWrite( regpath, CInt( strToWrite ), "REG_DWORD" )
		objShl.RegWrite( regpath, strToWrite )
	end if
	If Err Then Err.Clear
	On Error GoTo 0
	Set objShl = Nothing
End Sub