Count Down to a particular date with ASP

Here is a simple script that gives the amount of time remaining until the year 2025.

CountdownDate = #1/1/2025 12:00:00AM#
If Date >= CountdownDate Then
    Response.Write "Happy New Year!"
End If

theDate     = Now
DaysLeft    = DateDiff("d",theDate,CountdownDate) - 1
theDate     = DateAdd("d",DaysLeft,theDate)
HoursLeft   = DateDiff("h",theDate,CountdownDate) - 1
theDate     = DateAdd("h",HoursLeft,theDate)
MinutesLeft = DateDiff("n",theDate,CountdownDate) - 1
theDate     = DateAdd("n",MinutesLeft,theDate)
SecondsLeft = DateDiff("s",theDate,CountdownDate) - 1

According to the system time of: <%= Now %>
There are <%= DaysLeft%> Days, <%= HoursLeft %> Hours,
<%= MinutesLeft %> Minutes, <%= SecondsLeft %> Seconds
left until the year 2025.

The Result is: 

According to the system time of: 12/2/2024 9:00:05 PM

There are 29 Days, 2 Hours, 59 Minutes, 54 Seconds left until the year 2025.

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