Display the Date and Time

Well, guess nothing is easier than this. But it's a good way to get started! Be aware that the time is NOT the client's local time -- it's the time of the server.

The Code

Current time is <%=Time%><br />
 Date is <%=Date%><br />
 Tomorrow is <%=Date + 1%><br />
 Today is <%=WeekdayName(Weekday(Date))%><br />
 Tomorrow is <%=WeekdayName(Weekday(Date+1))%>

The Result

Current time is 4:51:08 AM
Date is 7/27/2024
Tomorrow is 7/28/2024
Today is Saturday
Tomorrow is Sunday

ASP active server pages date and time date time asp howto reference examples samples source code demos tips

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